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Six Tips to End Toxic Relationships

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

Have you tried communicating with your partner to stop their destructive patterns without success and feel stuck? Here's six tips to end an unhealthy bond.

Break ups are hard, especially if it's a toxic break up. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family will certainly help. Talking to a psychotherapist for insight and next steps could be a worthwhile investment in your personal growth and help and avoid toxic relationships in the future.

1. Stick to Your Choice to Leave & Stay Busy If your partner has demonstrated that they're not going to change, then there's nothing left to do but leave in order to prevent further abuse. They key to moving on after any break up is to stay busy. Consider focusing on your passions, family, friends, profession, or going back to school.

2. End All Communication We both know that any communication with a toxic ex leaves room for them to weasel their way back into your life. They used emotional manipulation in the relationship and will most likely use it during the break up. If you have children, only communicate with them about the kids.

3. Know You Can Have a Healthy Relationship Being verbally and emotionally abused in a toxic relationship for a long time can result in low self esteem. Every time the self doubt creeps in, replace it with a positive affirmation to re-establish your sense of self worth.

4. Write Down Your Feelings Journaling may be the least of your priorities while trying to leave an unhealthy relationship. Even though you have to face your emotions in the moment while journaling, long term studies have shown that expressive writing can lessen healthcare visits, strengthen immunity, and reduce blood pressure.

5. Create An Exit Strategy Detailing the steps you need to take to end the toxic relationship will help guide you through this life changing event. Being able to support yourself is paramount to leaving the relationship. Make sure you can support yourself by getting a new job, receiving training, or furthering your education. Also, decide in advance where you will live, what you will take, and when you will leave.

6. Receive Professional Support Escaping an abusive partner takes planning and with the help of friends, family, and a psychotherapist you can receive all the support you need. The right therapist will support you in grieving the relationship, re-establish your self esteem, keep you accountable to your goals, and help you work through any potential danger.


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